January 5, 2012

Reproductive System

Female structures

Penguins reproduce sexually. This means the two gametes which are single celled combine to form one single cell or zygote. The female gamete is called the ovum and the male gamete is called the sperm. After copulation happens and the sperm makes it to the magnum of the female reproductive tract, the sperm enters the ova. This is fertilization. Then resulting in a combined cell called the zygote.

Male structures   
Little penguins mate for there entire life. A breading pair will return to their burrow between June and August. Then build their nest in September.  They usually lay Two eggs around October and hatch in 33 to 37 days. The parents share incubation duties, feeding, and guarding duties once the egg has hatched. They do this only ntil the chicks are able to keep themselves warm. It is very rare fr both of the chicks to survive. The chicks usually leave the nest when they are fully fledged, so about 7 to 9 weeks and then they head to the ocean to mature. These types of penguins can live for up to 21 years, but usually only survive for 6.5 years.