January 5, 2012

Unique Information

The Little Penguin is the only species of penguins native to Australia. Although all of the penguin species are native to the southern hemisphere, only a few are found in cold climates such as Antarctica. 

Reproductive System

Female structures

Penguins reproduce sexually. This means the two gametes which are single celled combine to form one single cell or zygote. The female gamete is called the ovum and the male gamete is called the sperm. After copulation happens and the sperm makes it to the magnum of the female reproductive tract, the sperm enters the ova. This is fertilization. Then resulting in a combined cell called the zygote.

Male structures   
Little penguins mate for there entire life. A breading pair will return to their burrow between June and August. Then build their nest in September.  They usually lay Two eggs around October and hatch in 33 to 37 days. The parents share incubation duties, feeding, and guarding duties once the egg has hatched. They do this only ntil the chicks are able to keep themselves warm. It is very rare fr both of the chicks to survive. The chicks usually leave the nest when they are fully fledged, so about 7 to 9 weeks and then they head to the ocean to mature. These types of penguins can live for up to 21 years, but usually only survive for 6.5 years.

Digestive System

To meet the little penguin's metabolic needs the digestive system of penguins has to be both as light as possible and as efficient as possible. Weight has been minimized by the loss of teeth. To keep weight as low as possible, it also means that there is a limit to the amount of fat a penguin can store. 'Efficient' means that it must locate, eat, and digest food as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Most of the penguins food is caught when they take shallow dives. They dive to depths less than 30 feet but they will sometimes dive to the seabed in search of prey species. Little penguins eat small fish such as:
  • anchovies
  • squid
  • plankton
  • krill
  • small octopus
  • pilchards

From the sea floor, little penguins may eat:
  • crab larvae
  • sea horses
  • crustaceans

Like most penguins, they swallow their food whole.

Circulatory System

circulation map
The little penguin have very efficient cardiovascular systems that permit it to meet the metabolic demands of running, diving, and swimming. The cardiovascular system doesn't only deliver oxygen to body's cells and remove metabolic waste, but also plays an important part in maintaining its body temperature.The penguin circulatory system consists of a heart plus vessels that transport:
  • nutrients
  • oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • waste products
  • hormones
  • heat
These penguins have a 4-chambered heart with complete separation of oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs, and the left ventricle pumps blood to the rest of the body. 

Respiratory System

respiration 1
The main differences between the typical mammalian respiratory system and the penguin respiratory system has a distinct feature, which is its lack of a diaphragm. This means there is a continuous cycling of air, and they have air sacs
The little penguin has circular respiration. You can tell because the air is constantly moving through the lungs with fresh oxygen. Instead of breathing in and out like humans, air flows consistently over the oxygen-blood exchange barrier. This proves to be a very effective way to extract oxygen. Penguins need this to "fly" through the water finding food.

Nervous System

The nervous systems of penguins are similar to those of humans. The brain sends out messages to the body that let the penguin move.

Integumentary System

The little penguin's skin is thin, elastic, and very loose to the body. The skin is covered by feathers, but some show parts of the skin, especially near the head and neck. The skin also contains many proteins and fat cells. Very strong skin covers the beak, claws, spurs, and the scales on the legs and feet. It also has a sabaceous secretory organ, which secretes in oil.

This bird also moults. After they breed the adult prepares to moult by feeding in large amounts. The penguins rely on the fat they have stored to survive during these 2-3 week periods when they can't enter the water to find food. By the time the penguin’s replaced its feathers they may have lost up to half of their body weight.

External Features